Anno 2205 full version
Anno 2205 full version

anno 2205 full version

At the beginning, players have to take charge of building roads to connect houses, which seems like a fairly straightforward and easy task, right? In Anno 2205, you simply select a "build road" button, drag and drop, and the road is there.

anno 2205 full version

The game itself functions perfectly fine on paper, but the designers seem to have intentionally avoided taking any classes in game design. So much is wrong with this title that it's almost astounding. It tries to take after city-building games like SimCity and Banished, but fails horribly. Taking place in the future, players are tasked with taking charge of their own company in order to go and exploit the Earth's natural resources for profit.

anno 2205 full version

Anno 2205 is a freemium game being sold for full price, and there is nothing it can do to hide this fact beyond filing off its "visit the online shop" button.

Anno 2205 full version